Mitsopoulos, K., Somers, S., Schooler, J.N., Lebiere, C., Pirolli, P., Thomson, R. (2021): Towards a Psychology Of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents Using a Cognitive Architecture. Topics in Cognitive Science (In review)
University of California, Santa Cruz
(thesis) Schooler, J. N. (2020). Pushing the Boundaries of the Google Effect: The Effects of Reliability and Familiarity on Offloading. UC Santa Cruz. ProQuest ID: Schooler_ucsc_0036E_12113. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m5rn8nrh. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2fh6n9cz
Bergman, O., Whittaker, S., Schooler, J.N. (2020). Out of Sight and Out of Mind: Bookmarks are Created but not Used. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, DOI:10.1177/0961000620949652/
J.N. Schooler, N. Santer, C. Tubbs, K. Gee (2016). Did I I Save That? How Meta memory Informs Search Patterns. Sacramento California, Western Psychological Association, 2016
Lewis and Clark Collge
S. Heinselman, N. Callaghan, J.N. Schooler, E. Rebensdorf, E. Nilsen (2015): Social Referencing Facilitates Fitness with Fitbit: Competition Wins, Collaboration Places. Las Vegas, Western Psychological Association, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3667.2085
J.N. Schooler, S. Heinselman, N. Callaghan, K. Macias, R. Greenberg, H. Halpern, G. Baumer, H. Higger, N. Macomber-Millman, J. Murillo, E. Rebensdorf, Erik Nilsen (2015): Using Tangible Technology Improves Shape Recognition and Creativity in Preschoolers. Las Vegas, Western Psychological Association
J.N. Schooler, E. Nilsen (2014): Impact of Order and Modality on Survey Evaluations, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.4435.5682